Monday, July 21, 2014

Analytic Balance (Weighing Reagents)

A typical analytic balance is quite expensive (hundreds of dollars at a minimum). For the level of precision and scale (pun intended) of a kitchen lab, something like this is more economical.

Make sure your balance is clean before you turn it on. For convenience, you'll probably want to put a small piece of wax paper or a plastic container on the balance (if you feel like treating yourself, you can used disposable weigh paper or weigh boats), and measure your reagents on that.

After you place your paper/dish on the balance, but before you measure your reagents, hit the TARE button. This will zero your balance, and automatically subtract the weight of your paper/dish from the overall weight. Thus you can directly measure the weight of your reagent.

If you're weighing multiple reagents, make sure to tare in between reagents.

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